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Thursday, June 27, 2013

How to avoid ATM Scam

Who doesn’t want to protect their hard-earned money in the bank?  In the first place, you put your money in the bank to get more security and experience some growth for the money you are saving. Right? Most accounts nowadays are being placed in a savings ATM account. We all wanted easier banking transaction of withdrawing money from our account and convenient to our time as well. But along with the increasing use of ATMs, are the protruding crimes along with it. ATM scam has been threatening news to most ATM cards users.  Most banks already took action in preventing ATM scams such as improving their ATM systems. That includes installation of pin pad shields and even daily inspections. For us, customers we take extra caution in using the machine. Here are some few reminders and tips to avoid ATM SCAM:

       KEEP your PIN to YOURSELF ONLY. Do not write them on your ATM CARD.
      When entering your PIN always COVER it  with your hand.
       Check ATM machines for card readers
 Use your ATM Card only in SECURE places. 

If you suspect that your account data is compromised, immediately inform your bank and have it replaced. Also, if not used internationally, deactivate international function/connectivity. It has been known that ATM syndicate operates internationally specially in countries such as Taiwan and Sri Lanka that were thought to be behind card skimming operations.


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